20 Days to Go

With only 20 days to go until the best pumpkin event around, are you ready?

We are going to have all the pumpkin categories including:

  • Heaviest pumpkin over 200kg
  • Best pumpkin creation
  • Pumpkin racers
  • and many more

Get your thinking caps on now and figure out what you want to enter. Registration is FREE, and if you haven’t grown, no worries. A lot of the categories can be entered with a store bought pumpkin.

Help our Event

There are two major components that make our event run smoothly. Sponsors and Volunteers.

We wouldn’t be able to put on our event without the amazing sponsors that help us each year. Please visit our sponsors page, and make sure to let them know how much you like our event.

And our extraordinary volunteers who help our event run.

We’re always on the look out for more people to help us on the day. We have all our listings up on the Volunteering Waikato Website right now.

They include:

– Parking Wardens
– Pumpkin Lifters
– Pumpkin Creation Stewards
– Pumpkin Carnival Helper
– Photographer
– Videographer
– Event Setup Helpers
– Pumpkin registration Assistant

If you’d like to find out more about these roles, and how you can help us out. Please get in touch, or visit the Volunteering Waikato Page.

We’ll be busy making the final plans for the day, and can’t wait to see you there.